Our Fundraiser


If you would like to bring KIDS TV programs into your school but lack the funding you may add your school to a waiting list for donated programs or you may also decide to create a fundraiser. We have a KIDS TV Media Literacy program that has the potential to pay for itself as well as raising additional revenues.  It is a minimum two day program called Classroom Talkshow.

Two Day Program Classroom Talkshow

KIDS TALK – Classroom Talk Show ( minimum 6 classes) 2-5 Day Program

KIDS TALK is a fun media literacy experience and also provides parents with a wonderful memento of their child’s class. Instead of the traditional class photo, in twenty years students can look back and watch their classroom talk show. Instead of static photos they will hear themselves talking about their aspirations, their thoughts on various topics, even performing a song or demonstration. Each student receives an edited copy of their class videos.

Students or parents that chose not to be in the video will have the option to participate off camera.

KIDS TALK is a fabulous memento for your students. This program also makes a great fundraiser for your school. In addition you may apply for a free KIDS TALK and Movie Making Workshop. Apply

For more information please contact us at: 1-866-978-5870

View Samples of School Production